We are proud to announce that at the end of March 2023 PDN has obtained a certification allowing us to become a member of Google’s TCRP program. This prestigious program will allow us to strengthen our ability to fight piracy while improving the speed and efficiency of our withdrawals.
Google’s Trusted Copyright Removal Program (TCRP) is made up of a very small group of anti-piracy specialists – currently just a few hundred companies have this label.
The TCRP allows rights-holders to improve the effectiveness of PDN take downs by giving us a privileged window of dialogue with Google.
This partnership, based on mutual trust is very important to us; indeed, admission to this program is based on strict very criteria; only companies filing large volumes of requests, but more importantly, companies with a history of submitting accurate and precise DMCA notices, being selected.
This last criterion is particularly verified by Google.
Indeed, many inaccurate DMCA reports are sent every day by rights holders as well as by anti-piracy companies – either by negligence or by real dishonesty – especially as an anti-competitive tool – so Google has to make sure that the DMCA notices issued by their partners are sent for the right reasons.
Google TCRP provides its members with a tool that significantly speeds up anti-piracy work. It allows for large volumes of links to be submitted with each notification sent to Google, which is not possible with the traditional take down request form.
The tool also allows for better tracking of requests with history and categorization features, which again, the regular form does not allow.
New members of the Google Trusted Copyright Removal program are initially subject to a limited access period. This is because Google is trying to build a real relationship of trust between program members and themselves.
Once this trial period is over, access to the program is further expanded for the permanently confirmed member.
For you directly, nothing will change.
However, we will be more efficient when we perform our tasks for you, especially when it comes to removing thousands of Google links. The quality of our service will therefore increase.
We will be able to submit much larger volumes of links for removal, and Google’s confidence in our reporting will ensure that you will receive a much faster removal, with no questions asked about the validity of the links submitted.
We’re looking forward to putting our new certification to the test, so if you have content to protect – a movie, series, music album or live event – please contact one of our account managers and we’ll be happy to help you, so you can take back control of your revenue!
Join us on April 15 for our next two-part article on YouTube’s role in piracy.
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